Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.
Please know and understand what zakah is and what it means before you read this post.
This post is to give a tip to those whom it is fard (obligatory) to give zakah....and it's to help you and prepare you beforehand inshaAllah....

"Be prepared rather than falling in despair."
What I mean by this is people can go on in ignorance and not prepare for something and then the time comes when they have to meet their obligation and they just despair because they were not prepared and ready....
*This can be applied to many things in life and zakah is one of them.*
Allah knows best.
What you will need:
A safekeeping box a.k.a zakah box
On the box write "zakah money"
And every penny that goes into the box should be as part of your zakah money.
A rule should be: Once you put the money into the box you cannot take it out and use it under any circumstance. Unless (Allah forbid) your hit by poverty yourself.

Always remember in Islam everything is about niyah (intention) have the correct intention!
Everything one does should be for the sake Allah...inshaAllah.
May Allah make us amongnst the ones with the purest intention Amin.
Everyday get some of your money out you pocket wheather it is £1, £5, 10p, 20p or whatever....any amount of money....
and put it safely into your box (know known as your zakah box)
And for one whole year keep on putting money into your box everyday (how much ever it be) if you cannot every day then at least once a week put money in....
At the end of the year calculate how much zakah you are meant to give........................
Get your 'zakah box' out and count all the money that is inside it and if there's less in it then add in the necessary amount you're meant to give....and zakah for one year is done.
However if you find that in the box there's more than what you're meant to give, then remember:
~It's better to give more than less.~
Then give the zakah where you're meant to...........
If your the type of person that ALWAYS is very precautious about your zakah and you are always way ahead, Alhamdulilah then I don't think you'll really need the zakah box...SubhanAllah.
But instead of the zakah box you can have a 'Sadqah box' (voluntary charity) and the same applies for this box as the zakah box.
A rule should be: Once you put the money into the box you can take it out and use it If you want to but it's preferable you do not...
Truely Allah knows best.
May Allah forgive me for any mistakes and errors. Allah knows best.
May Allah guide, forgive and protect us all Amin and grant us jannah al firdaus Amin.
This post was only intended for giving an idea of how one could maybe save together their zakah money for 1 year or how they could save extra money in the box and give that to charity....all for the pleasure of Allah.....Allah knows best. May Allah forgive us all. Amin.