Tuesday, 2 August 2016


I start in the name of Allah, Most Generous, Most Kind. 
Allah knows best.

I think, balancemoderation, practice & preparation are some of the keys to this life.
Literally, some can be professionals at balancing. It may even be their profession.
Although, let's admit, not all of us have mastered that great quality/characteristic in regards to life.
Trying is the key - practice and preparation.
Life can be like a tightrope...And if someone does not learn balance they will likely fall. Everyone falls but those that know balance can get themselves back up and running again.

Here's to talking about BALANCE literally...But think about it figuratively too - in regards to life and the MIDDLE WAY:

Balance is probably one of the most difficult thing one teaches them self. 
Once you get a hang of it, it becomes easier and there is no fear. 
We, or others, fear falling when we (or they see us) balance due to the open-space and the ground.
It is the 'fall' that gets emotions all over the place.
The fall is more likely to happen without practice & preparation.
Balance vitally requires these two: practice & preparation.
I would say patience too, but patience sometimes is a by-product of practice and preparation.
Patience is learnt through practice and preparation.
For example, in a new environment one has to 'get to know' the environment in order to balance and to balance with confidence - it's the practice and preparation that helps one.

Those that balance are elevated, the higher up one is the more 'strange' one appears to others.
The higher up people see you, the more they fear for your [maybe even their own] safety.
The 'balancer' knows their practice & preparation, basically the hard work they put in. That gives them a sense of hope and they trust in Gods plan.
Even if they fell, it's worth it because it is God who gave them the ability to balance in the first place. It is God who gives them the ability to get back up and try again. It is God who gives them that patience. And if they cannot get back up they understand that it is a part of Gods Plan and they trust His Plan, with patience and perseverance.

The humble-hearted 'balancers' don't realise the heights they may have reached they realise moderation. They are always trying to better them self compared to their yesterday.
They are focused, they remember God and realise nobody is perfect - we all fall from time-to-time, so the heights don't affect them. 
If the height affects them then they realise that they are likely not balanced or balancing...

Allah knows best.

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