I begin in the name of Allah Most Merciful, Most Kind,
This year, thus far, feels like it has been the worst year of my life. The absolute worst. When I was younger I thought things would get better and thoughts such as, "it surely cannot get any worse than this" would come into my mind; now that belief has been put to rest, it did get worse. Being stuck in a rut and feeling hopeless and borderline despondent, is the worst feeling ever. And there are times when I think it will not get any better and I feel so done... Life can truly suck...it can suck the life out of you IF you let it.
As well as it being such a miserable time and struggling with so much, I will also add that it has also been the best year of my life. Life's challenges teach us so much about ourselves, if we 'dig deep enough' we begin to understand it all. The world looks clearer even through all the hardship and struggle.
So if you're struggling this post is for you too, you are not alone, and remind yourself, with love and care:

As well as it being such a miserable time and struggling with so much, I will also add that it has also been the best year of my life. Life's challenges teach us so much about ourselves, if we 'dig deep enough' we begin to understand it all. The world looks clearer even through all the hardship and struggle.
So if you're struggling this post is for you too, you are not alone, and remind yourself, with love and care:
AND also, an amalgam of positive quotes I saved on my computer when I needed a human reminder:
I hope you find peace. Peace out. Salam
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