Saturday, 30 July 2016


I start in the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.

Today I came across the above words and they got me thinking...

We all feel lost sometimes.
Lost in a big wide world.
We think that we want to disappear, due to whatever reason we reason, but deep down inside we really want to be found.
I've noticed quite a lot of people are afraid to admit this. It is something I have observed in many peoples behaviour(s) over the years.
Or maybe the saying is true, "people can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves".

I feel like a lot of people put a mask on in this world...

This world is designed to break us in many ways shapes and forms...
I remember these words from a lecture, the tests from Allah are a calling from Him to turn our hearts back to Him.

In this world our hearts are constantly turned by things. That is why in Islam we have rules to follow to save ourselves from the worldly burdens falling on our fragile hearts.
We are human and sometimes forgetful, heedless and negligent...We should always remember this du'a (prayer) and ask God to turn our hearts to The Truth because we can become lost sometimes, in whatever it may be...

Sometimes we think we are on the right tracks but can still feel lost.
We feel lost in a big wide world that we cannot fully grasp...

Something I realised, is that sometimes it is a calling from God to turn back to Him, when you feel lost.
We are only human and the heart turns...And one of the medicine for when you do feel lost is in prayer...
So long as you keep your connection, through prayer [salah, du'a, dhikr] to Allah, He will relieve the grieving hearts...
Where one decides to turn their heart towards is a CHOICE, remember that.

And Allah knows best.

Allah is near, Allah is with the patient, Allah loves those who do good.
May Allah guide us all, amin.

May Allah forgive us all and guide us, turn our hearts and keep us on the sirat-al-mustakeem, amin.

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