Monday, 23 May 2016

C'est la vie pas le paradis

I start in the name of God, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.

I have always been an avid writer of poetry, from a very young age. I still like to write it sometimes.
Today I wrote this. Whatever thoughts came to mind about different stuff I flung typed them up...
The writing in pink is a poem I wrote on Instagram about 8 weeks ago.

This world is filled with so much greed.
That they forget about all those people in need.
They ask "what shall I wear on 'another day'?"
Whilst they forget to pray.
They walk the path that will no doubt lead them astray
Whilst they down talk people, "move out my way".
They are at war with the peasants, paupers and poor...
The rich at heart know to knock only on heavens door.

Injustice everywhere.
Nobody cares.

Whilst children scream as bombs fall on their homeland, "this is not fair"
Tell me now, is a child's cry a lie?!
Children seeing their parents die right before their eyes.

Their generation wiped out right before their eyes!
Your war of 'freedom', 'protection', whatever you call it, it's a lie.
Most of them have never seen someone die before their eyes.
Most of them have forgotten what is feels like to cry.
They go on their holidays, getaways
They live up life like they have all the days.
They don't like to pray.
They like to stray.

They call Muslim "terrorists".
Whilst their elite make the hit-lists.

True Muslims or Believers stand for peace and justice.
Not the ugliness and greed.
Muslims live by the righteous creed.
If you see Muhammad, peace be upon him, commands in war.
You'll realise the believers knock on heavens door.
You'll realise they follow the rules, A LAW.

They try to make Muslims look bad. Which is quite sad.
When really it is them who are mad.
Their going mad, ungrateful not glad to The Lord who is Infinite.
They hear the truth and they spit in spite and think it is them who is right.

Never opened a real book to read, that's what causes their greed.
Their hearts and souls in need.
But their man-made-man they try to please.
Whilst for their cameras they smile and say CHEESE.
Not seeing that there's a child, dying who can't breathe.
They walk in life like it is a breeze.
And when a natural disaster hits them they try to flee.
They dwell in their misery, "oh so-and-so did this to me"
Depressing their heart and soul.
Running after the gold and trying to fit the cookie cut mould.
They think their character is bold
But when the truth is told they hold onto their ears while they sip their beers.
Living life without any fear as they look over the pier.
Not shedding any tears, their hearts are cold, rotten and hard.
They are making their life worth just a piece of card whilst they walk on the shard.

People can learn from mistakes.
But the arrogant and prideful like to break, break, BREAK.
Take, take, TAKE.
Masking up their faces with all that is fake, fake, FAKE.
Whilst they eat their cake, cake, CAKE.
And others they 'roast' and bake, bake, BAKE.
And men and women they rape.
Children they take.

Oh for Gods sake!

Where have the morals gone
The light in them must have once shone.
Everyone was once an innocent baby born.
But now their conscience is on the run!
As they live by the gun!
What, they're stunned?
People they shun?
No weapons of mass destruction here, you're the one with them and the gun.

Muslims have always been strangers.
Open your EYES PEOPLE, Muslims are NOT the dangers.
It's more like the immoral wo/man that's living to you next door.
The one that throws the first stone and says Muslims caused the war.
They don't know a thing about Islam.
They try to please their man-made-man 
and as is their case, they need something or someone to blame
They can't have their vile faces getting the negative fame.
They blame the innocent.
Whilst they're the grunts and treat and call their women c*n**

And then they have the nerve to say "Muslim women are oppressed".
While they walk the turf half-dressed
Now I'll tell you what's oppression
Take heed, here's a lesson
Oppression is trying to please the eyes of a human whilst from God you run.
Now you're stunned...
Your heart does not agree
And from your conscience you try to flee.
When you switch on your TV
They brainwash you and tell you what you should be
You live your life comparing yourself and wishing 'if only that was me',
You need to open your eyes and see
Oppression is when your heart is spiritually covered, diseased and your body physically on show because that's what it is, a show
Whilst deep down inside you've lost your glow
You've turned away from the truth
And are stuck in worldly vortex booth.
That's the oppression and there's your lesson
There's no need to explain further because covered hearts have a statement to make -- outwardly they'll walk around half-naked because they are so dead inside and the only pleasure they get is from the worldly lies and pleasing lustful wo/mens eyes.

Then they say how unhappy they are, 
Whilst they chase their desires, fast cars and trendy bars...
Sending the ignorant to wars made by greedy elites
Whilst those with a conscience get PTSD and fall to their feet.
They call Muslims terrorists.
Whilst they make their hit lists and spread lies and deceive the eyes.

Islam is the religion of peace
Don't you understand?
Haven't you read the history books and context
Oh wait, I forgot, you're too stuck in the worldly vortex...
You don't care for peace and love which is Islam.
Go please your man-made man
And go on in your delusion
Wander the earth in your confusion.
To God we will all answer to in the end, friend.

They can hate Muslims all they like.
c'est la vie pas le Paradise!
Muslims know and understand life is a test.
The simple, peaceful are the best.
We don't need to fit in with the rest
Who are slaves to people, desires and fires
Puppets on strings not realising compared to the afterlife this world is nothing.

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