Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Time stood still

I start in the name of God, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.

So, yesterday was my birthday. An interesting thing happened.
I always wear a watch on my right arm, always. I have for the past 2-4 years.
I woke up for work on time. Put my watch on and then got dressed. 
I walk to work so I have to get up earlier. I have a different start time each week. It takes me about 20-25 minutes to get there. I looked at my watch and I thought I need to get out the house ASAP to get to work on time.... It turned out I was not late and that the time [on the watch of course] had just stopped, funnily enough, on the time I was supposed to get out the house and that's why I thought I was late...All was good in the end.
I like to go off on tangents I'll cut to the chase!

I found it very interesting that out of all days, my watch stopped working, it fell on my birthday.
It was a reminder to me that life is short and one does not know when their time will fall short in this world.
It also made me realise that I need to be more present.
Sometimes we get stuck in the past or focus too much on the future that we forget the PRESENT. We forget the gift of right here, right NOW.
The thing about the past and future are that they cannot be held and you cannot hear the clock ticking of those moments. The present can be held and you hear the clock ticking right now, this very moment.
The past is long gone, let it go. The future may never come, let it go. You're here in the present, the GIFT, the right now. Hold it and make the most of it.
We don't have the past and we don't have the future we have the PRESENT TIME.

I found this on Google. I think I agree.

May God The Almighty guide us and forgive us all for our shortcomings, mistakes and errors Amin.

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