Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Life Jacket

I start in the name of God, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.

A Metaphor.
 In this life, in this world we are taught that we need life-jackets in order to survive.
We are taught that without the life jacket we will drown.
Those that are awake will realise that if they educated them self they would learn that one can learn to swim.
Then comes the practice of swimming and then one can swim.

One would realise that the immensity and depth of the sea is not so daunting, when one can swim.
One would realise that the life-jacket is not what one needs but the knowledge and practice of swimming is needed in order to survive. Not a piece of material: the life-jacket.
A life jacket will not save one. 
What you KNOW and what you DO will SAVE you.

Think about it...

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