Saturday, 4 June 2016

♡ The Strangers

I start in the name of God The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.
Today has been an interesting day. I call everything interesting, I've realised, but it's true for me -- everything is interesting. I have no other better word other than INTERESTING to call something.
Us humans are an interesting bunch aren't we.

So today I woke up all praise is to God that I'm still alive.
Went downstairs and heard that my mums brother is on life support machine. He has cancer... My mum is flying to her birth country tomorrow to be there... I did not know him much. I saw him a few times when we visited my mothers birth country a very long time ago. 
Some people find this weird, but I didn't know my grandparents either. And they've all passed away too.
All, whom I have ever known in my life is my immediate family and that's all, they are the people I've lived with.
The other people were and are just strangers I've heard of.
It's what happens -- not knowing them -- when ones extended family is in and from different parts of the world.
We become strangers - distant. 
Yet sometimes that's also the case of people that live amongst one another.
But nonetheless, we love the strangers.
We are the strangers.

It makes me feel sad even though I did know know this stranger, I feel like I did know him because he is my mums brother. Anything that makes ones parents sad can make their child sad too.

I checked the good ol' tablet and realised Muhammad Ali [the boxer] has died.
All these strangers...returning to the Lord or on our way to the final destination...
Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. We belong to Allah and to Him is our return.

May He The Almighty, grant them all jannah al firdaus amongst the like of Prophet Muhammad peace, love, light and blessing be upon him and them all, May God The Loving, Merciful, only take our and their souls, from this realm, when we are beloved to Him. May there be be nothing but hope, love, light and peace when we depart from this world Amin. 

One thing that I find interesting is the: strangers. 
Sometimes strangers can have a greater impact in ones life. The fleeting moment, memory, walk, talk etc, it has the potential of sticking in someone's memory.
We are all strangers to someone. Who ever is reading this post, you are a stranger to me and I am a stranger to you.
Be a good stranger and spread love, light, positivity and peace wherever you go.
Thank God for the strangers, who God puts in our lives at the right moments to make us realise. Then years later reflect. All praise is to God alone.
The strangers that are the people we meet so briefly in our lives but their memory lasts a lifetime.
The strangers we talk to so fleetingly but their words stick with us forever.
The strangers we have never met, from different eras such as Prophet Muhammad the final messenger of God, but yet can have such a profound impact and become a role model, someone one looks up to and one has so much respect for.
Jesus, Moses, Solomon, David, Abraham and all the other messengers that came before Muhammad are strangers too. I love them all dearly, for the sake of God. The strangers who change you for the better. 
May peace love, light and blessing me upon all the messengers of God, may we all be together with our families in jannah al firdaus Amin.
The strangers that live among us and we know.
The strangers that pass by us and we don't know.
The strangers, the stranger, the strange.
Stranger meaning someone one does not know,
yet, our 'humanness' makes us all connect in some way and we strangers that walk this earth have that in common and that is why we feel like we know each other without knowing each other.
That's why when it comes to people who we supposedly don't really know, such as the boxer Muhammad Ali, we connect and feel like we know them because we are all human.
There's also the strange[rs]: the Muslim. 
May God make us among them and bless them all that have passed away and are still on this earth Amin.

If you ever wonder why I have called myself THAT GIRL on this Blog, well, it's because I too am a stranger.
So many strangers in a strange place called earth.

I just wrote this poem....all that came to my's the only words I could find, so I'll drop a line...

Everyone is dying, withering away as I age.
This world is a prison, a cage.
There are people out there who don't know how to control their rage
out on a rampage
'All the worlds a stage'.
As each day passes another of our page, turned
The month of Ramadan is round the corner, may our sins be burned
May we get to reach Ramadan.
May we walk with Muhammad, that man and his clan
The strangers to the world
hidden under many darknesses, the pearls.
I'm just another girl
walking this world.
But I have a dream, a dream to reach the place no eye has ever seen
No earthly mortal has ever been
unless by the will of God, our Lord.
oh God, may we be free of this worldly attachment chord
and this worldly hoard.
May we jump on the ship aboard and see the immensity of the sea
May we BE,
may we be free from the eternal misery
may our heart, minds and eyes see.
May we grow like the trees and be important like the bees
May we bow to Only The One Diety
As we cry on our knees, begging please...
God, bless all those we know and don't know and never let us go
Don't let us get lost in the worldly show
Make us find the glow
Never let us go.
May peace be upon us all even when we fall
May peace be upon us all as we crawl, walk and crawl
May peace be upon us all as we exit the hall covered in the white shawl.

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