Saturday, 25 June 2016

Change Yourself

I start in the name of God, The Most Merciful, The most Kind.

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

I've come across people who talk about changing the world...
The truth is, first and foremost, one needs to look within them-self and change themselves first. People need to realise and understand, it's common sense (but a lot lack this, so, need to open ones eyes to it) that WE AS INDIVIDUALS are a part of this world. If we don't change ourselves for the BETTER then we will get nowhere in changing the world. 
Remember, the world is made up of little things, atoms. 
We may think we are little in the world but the little things are what make the BIG difference. 

Look at yourself and your character, nobody is perfect we all have defects, but changing our characters for the better is a good thing. So change yourself to be better than your former self. We should always be trying to be BETTER than we once were, and are, in sha Allah.
...and also don't be disheartened and become aggressive when someone is trying to HELP you understand a 'small thing' and make it a defensive 'big thing'... Sometimes someone else may see something clearer than another. 
& the important word here is HELP, they may be trying to HELP you and you don't realise. 
This also shows how important REFLECTION is because if we don't reflect then we won't realise and understand others (or ourselves!). And we will miss important things.

There may be some people who will say things like 'you've changed'. 
Change is a good thing because it shapes one, it is growth and if one is not changing in regards to character, as one ages, then there is something not right... 
Development in character requires change.
Change for the better of the INTERNAL rather than the better of the external and one will see how they make a difference to the world.

"If you think you're too small to make a difference you haven't spent a night with a mosquito." ~ African Proverb

Example: there are some people out there with terrible tempers, and sometimes they may not even realise the harsh ways they treat others...These are likely people who don't really sit down and REFLECT on the LITTLE things such as their character in regards to treatment of others (i.e. the INTERNAL aspects). 
If they did sit, reflect, understand and at the very least try and change their behaviour they would realise what a BIG difference that would make. 
They would realise that when one changes them-self first they also make a change to the world, in the grand scheme of things.

It is also important to REALISE BLAME and that blaming others for things that, let's be honest here, oneself may be the contributor of - when one analyses, reflects and realises the the situation in depth.
Some people lack in this sort of thinking, this reflection and that is why there are so many problems in the world. That is why there are so many problems within oneself. Because people forget the importance of sitting down and REFLECTING.

God does not change a condition of a people until they change what is with-IN themselves.

Muslims pray 5 times a day because the human condition psychologically NEEDS these breaks away from everything and everyone and to BE PRESENT with ones Creator in order to REALISE their condition and REALISE that there is the Greatest Judge that one will have to answer to in the end. This is what makes people want to better themselves, in my opinion. This realisation that there is The Greatest Judge God, that we will undoubtedly answer to when this life is over and done with.
The people that do not realise this are likely those that are impulsive and dwell in soul destroying things and all that God forbids...

I recently saw a video of some guy saying Allah-hu-Akbar and people getting afraid of the words Allah-hu-Akbar. Most likely because they have been brainwashed by the media or whatever else to think it is some terrorist statement or whatever else.
Allah-hu-Akbar means God Is The Greatest
Those that understand that God is the Greatest are the most humble people who walk this earth. They are people of beautiful, gentle, calm, soft-hearted character. People who stand up for justice and righteousness, who love their neighbour no matter our differences in ideas/beliefs etc.
The people who have Allah-hu-Akbar in their hearts are people who follow Islam and understand Peace. People who fear God. People who understand, love, justice and calm. People who care about their ranks in front of God The Greatest and not their worldly rank. They are people who read, understand, implement and strive. They are people who don't care for money and this world because they realise it is ephemeral. They care for the Everlasting, Ever-living, Eternal because to Him is our return in the end and He with certainty is the Most Just and will deal with us all justly. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. 
He will deal with us all, make yourself aware of Him.
Those that have hope and fear of their Lord are people who are ever aware of their intentions and the things they say and do.
Allah-hu-Akbar. Fear Him Who created you and then will one realise the reality of this life and the worth of an individual life to Him, as His Majesty pleases, The Most High Allah. The Most Wise who is Self-sufficient, He needs no one. He is the One who we need.
The Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, Most Generous. He is Allah and He is the Greatest.

Drop your pride and arrogance and the thinking of you answering to no one. Undoubtedly we will all answer to Him.
Change yourself for the BETTER for Him. 
He does not need us and He created hell and heaven for a reason. 
He is the Most Merciful, do SOMETHING in your life, that is between you and Him that will make you worthy of His Subhana-watAlahs Mercy.
Save a life, give charity, recycle, help your neighbour of differing beliefs, plant a tree, make a well, help the needy there's so many things, in sha Allah.
Do it for Him, your Lord who loves you more than anyone else ever can or will. He provides for everyone. He tests everyone.
Change your life and your ways for Him.


May Allah The Greatest forgive all our sins and mistakes. May He elevate our ranks among the noble and righteous of character such as Prophet Muhammad, peace, love, light and blessings be upon him. May He The Most Loving guide us to the path of righteousness and elevate us to the ranks of those most beloved to Him. May we all reunite in jannah al firdaus, amin.

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